Monday, August 4, 2008

Family Home Evening on the Lake

Paul and Lynn Robertson are our next door neighbors and great friends. Our first Sunday in our house they invited us over for dinner and made us feel very welcomed. They have been wonderful to the kids. Lynn has been known to bring home dresses for my girls, just cause they were a great deal and they are always looking for ways to serve. We have been so blessed that no matter where we have lived my children have always been blessed by not just good neighbors but great neighbors.

Paul has been promising Collin that as soon as his boat is fixed he would take him out on the lake. Tonight, he showed up at 6:00pm and asked if we had plans for Family Home Evening, it was a little bit embarrassing to say no we didn't :-( but good that our availability was open for the evening to go spend it on the lake with him and Lynn. We live 10 minutes from 2 different resevoirs. So we hurried and jumped in our suits and headed out to the lake. This was the first time for my kids to go out on a boat and they loved it. They were smiling from ear to ear the entire time.

Ellie loved to sit up front and her job was to raise the flag when a tuber was down. She took this job very seriously and did a great job. She was a little nervous about riding the tube. Her and I tried it together but we only went a little ways and she wanted off. She was content with jumping off the side of the boat into the water with the other kids.

Collin was the first one to test the water for sharks! He couldn't wait to get on the tube and go for a ride. He held on great and Paul had a little fun making the water quite choppy. He was graceful in his wipeouts and a great sport.

Shelby was next to test the water and found out that it was much better to lay on your stomach than to lay on your back. She was true to form with falling of the tube for no apparent reason, not able to get back on with lots of screaming and at one point and time Paul called her the "Drama ". She loved it though!

Now we have always known that Dallin can be a bit of a dare devil on his bike but he was so funny in the tube. He tucked his feet down in the middle and just held on. Paul took him over some amazing wakes and he just rode them like a Pro. He was the only one that never wiped out!

My kids enjoyed seeing me get on and let me tell you I held on for dear life. I knew that if I wiped out, it was going to hurt a lot worse than it did 15 years ago. I didn't realize how tight I held on though until the next day when my whole upper body hurt so bad I could hardly move. It was the best workout I think I have ever had!

What a fun Family Home Evening!

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